THE DIRECTOR OF CINEMA MEDIA/FILM OBOLO GOGO LUKE SMITH MET WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CHAIRMAN. HON. CHIEF BARR. ERASTUS AWORTU JP. Yesterday My Team and I met with the ANDONI Local Government Chairman, HON. CHIEF, BARR. ERASTUS C. AWORTU JP and the Council Secretary SIR. FRANKLYN DIMIARI O. The Chief of Staff, HON. TALICK DANDISON N. The Supervisor for Works, HON. BANIGO B. JOSSEY and other important dignities ahead of Ama Ijok Obolo Movie Premiere Coming up on the 7th of October 2023. Support Ama Ijok Obolo Movie, Lets sale Obolo to the world. CINEMA OBOLO MEDIA/FILM INC ANDONI LOCAL GOVERNMENT COBO TV ANDONI LOCAL NEWS